Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yalçın City Hospital (Göztepe Training And Research Hospital) Wooden Works
CLIENT: TAŞYAPI İnşaat Taahhüt San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Müellif: HWP Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Müşavir: Khatib & Alami Consulting Engineers (Lebanon) / TimA Engineering Consultancy Ltd. Co. (Turkey) JV
Contractor: Masir Yapı & Saraydoor
Consultancy & Mangement: Turgan Architecture
Application Process : 10.08.2019 - 01.10.2020
Construction area : 237.300 m2
Door Quantity : 3200
Counter Quantity : 110
DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB : All the wooden doors and counters and cabinets behind the counter of the hospital were detailed, manufactured and assembled on site by us.